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Newsletter: May 10th, 2024

Alright, folks, I'm back again; Happy Friday!

I'm having a great week so far!  

Here's a look at my training. Tuesday was on the track with my boy Matthew Luke Meyer for some 200s, 1200s, and then 200s again. Hit the 60-minute group run on Wednesday, then off to the dirt roads on Thursday for a chill 5-mile tempo. My coach, Evan, has been having me work out VERY conservatively compared to my old paces since I am coming off of an injury. This is something I often do with the athletes I coach as well. Honestly, I could have done both of these workouts this week MUCH faster. But we know my body needs time to adapt to the training load. Often, training is about getting your body- joints, tissues, bones, and tendons- used to the impact more than it is just about running to your maximum fitness level. If you give yourself enough time to adapt, it'll be easy to adjust the paces gradually over time. I'm proud of myself because I've been doing a respectable job of being patient. I have been doing some more challenging workouts on the indoor bike, aka the Peloton, so that's helped me get in some of those strenuous efforts without extra stress to my poor, sensitive tibia.

will baldwin may 2024 strava training week

Pikes Peak Ascent & Marathon + Sundog Running + Skratch Labs

Thursday, May 23rd, 6:30 pm Colorado time, we're doing a webinar.

The Pikes Peak Marathon, featuring Skratch Labs, Coach Anna Frost, and me!

You should come! We're going to talk about training and racing Pikes Peak, but 99% of the info is super applicable to any long race. Some folks have already submitted some questions, and it looks like people are curious about racing at high altitude! How should we train for a high-altitude race? When should you arrive at altitude if coming from sea level? I'm going to cover all of that but also talk about fueling and training specifics! It's gonna be cool. I am super excited to hear from Coach Frost and Skratch Labs. I've always been a big Skratch fan, and it's fun and inspiring to listen to some fueling science. 

Pikes Peak Marathon Webinar

Pikes Peak Ascent & Marathon + Sundog Running + Skratch Labs

May 23 at 6:30 PM 

Event Invitation

Pikes Peak Ascent + Marathon, Sundog Running & Skratch Labs Training Webinar

Time zone: America/Denver

Google Meet joining info

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 518-600-1708‬ PIN: ‪189 218 857‬#


For a while I've been hearing more of my athletes and fellow runners mention they use Huma gels. So, on my last order from The Feed, I made sure to include some of their gels. Man, everybody was right, these things are delightful. Very natural, kind of like a gel meets fruit preserves. I've had the strawberry and the rasberry (has caffeine) flavors and they were both awesome. I'm definitely adding Huma to my short list of gels I recommend. 

Huma Energy gels from the feed dot com

Alright that's it. I'm glad we're friends, talk soon.


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