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How to
Is Heart Rate helping or hurting your training?
Is Heart Rate helping or hurting your training? I’ve been running and coaching runners for a very long time, and probably the thing that has confused me the most is…
How to Warm Up for a 5k Race
When we’re warming up for a shorter race, we’re going to need a little bit more than just easy jogging. For races like the 1 mile or 5k, I usually…
When Should I be Fueling on Runs?
When Should I be Fueling on Runs? You should start taking in fuel during runs that are 90 minutes or longer. Does this include interval workouts, quality sessions, and other…
Post Race… Now What?
After an event…. Now what? There are always a lot of questions after a race or event. Many have the annoying answer of ‘it depends,’ but I have some more…
Long Uphill Trail Intervals
One of my favorite ways to improve runners’ overall fitness and climbing capabilities is with longer, high-effort, uphill trail intervals. Let’s go over what they look like and how to…
My Daily Post Run Fuel (It’s a Smoothie)
I get asked all the time about fueling and nutrition as a runner. It can be complicated. A lot of people want to slim down or lose a few pounds,…
Get Ready for Race Day
How you handle the morning of your race is going to greatly impact how well you’re able to perform. The most important thing to ensure you have a good race…
Finding Your Fastest Route to Boston: How to Choose the Right Marathon Race to Run a BQ
The number one thing you can do to improve your chances of qualifying for the Boston Marathon is to pick the right race that meets the Boston Marathon qualifying standards.…